Tuesday 31 July 2012

The Waiting Room

Patience is not a virtue that I process...
I despise waiting!
Yet, life sometimes is nothing but a waiting room and you feel you are there on your own.
When we are children, we are waiting to be older. My whole childhood I couldn't wait till I was 16! That was when I could date (the boy crazy girl that I am), I could get my ears pierced and I could dye my hair! One day I was 16 and I loved every minute of it! Then, I turned 17..... I had no idea what to do with myself! I was no longer 16! The age that I wanted to be for about half of my life had come and gone in a snap! O no! I could still dye my hair, that I didn't do at 16. I could still get my ears pierced, that I couldn't be bothered with doing. And I could still date, I did have a bf the night I turned 16 haha. 1/3!
At 17 I decided it was silly for me to have waited so long to be 16. I did enjoy my childhood and I'm proud to say that I did have one! My mom let me be a child and refused for me to be a teenage or adult before I had to. At 17 I decided that I was no longer going to wait for things in life! I would take things as they come or I would make them happen, right there and then!
How naive I was! My life is nothing but a waiting room! Sure I can make things happen, but I still have to be patience and wait for the right time. I have to wait to marry. To be a wife. Wait to even have a boyfriend. Definitely wait to be a mother. Wait till I can have a dog and turtle. Wait to go to university. Waiting while I save money to travel, to go to school, to get that hat or belt or necklace that I want. Wait till I can afford a licence. Wait till I can afford a car. Wait for the promotion to pay for that car.
I've always known I'm the most impatient person ever!
At 17 I thought that I no longer was going to wait! If I wanted it, I would make it happen in a moments time!
Life has taught me that you must work for your dreams, but they can't and most likely won't happen when you want them to. Yes I want to be a wife and mother. I want pets. I want a degree in something. I want to be able to drive and have that car. I want to see the world! But I can't. Not now. It's not my turn. I have to wait for my turn to make my dreams happen.
Hopefully in ten years time I'll be out of the waiting room for these things, but I'm sure I'll be in another waiting room waiting for something else!

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