Saturday 31 March 2012

Going Extinct

I read an article that talked about things that are going extinct. [article] This goes in detail, but I will just name the top 5:

5- Mumps and Measles
4- Honey Bees
3- News Magazines and TV News
4- Analog TV
1- The Family Farm

Maybe I just live in 'not the right place' because here is my list of things going extinct:

5- Common Sense
4- Good Behavior
3- Mortality
2- Marriages
1- I'm sorry

I had to laugh when I read the article because I had thought years ago, that the family farm was become less and less. So when that was number 1, I laughed because I had figured that out without anyone telling me it. But my second thought was too bad the words "I'm sorry" wasn't on that list.... This is why it is number one on my list of things going extinct.
So often I see rude people. I work in customer service, so I definitely have my fair share of rude stories to share- but I won't. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt- but at the same time, the words I'm Sorry, would help so much if people could just swallow their pride and be able to say it!
For example, I had this one supervisor- even though she was not a manager, she thought and acted like she was. She would tell me off for stupid things all the time and yell at me in front of customers for goodness knows what and I'm a fighter, I always fight back if I feel I am right- to which I usually am ;) and I would tell her that she is being out of order, or what she was doing was unprofessional. The manager usually had to get involved and alas, as I said, I was right! This supervisor would just glare at me. I knew she hated me and I didn't care because I did not like her either- I had no idea how she even became a supervisor! I was thinking about her one day and I realised something. She would rather die than to say the words "I'm sorry, you were right." But she is not the only one I know like this. Unfortunately, I know lots of people that feel that way.
You know, its just two simple words. If you can say "I'm sorry", hurt feelings wouldn't hurt anymore. Grudges would disappear. Friendships could be formed and love would be present.
I know is sounds a lot easier than done, but if we all could add "I'm sorry" to our vocabulary, people wouldn't be aggressive and the world would be happier.
People are so quick so swear and say the Lord's name in vain. They are so quick to gossip and lie and beat others with words.
Maybe it would be a good idea for everyone to add these two simple words to our vocabulary, and just say
"I'm Sorry!"

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