Wednesday 1 February 2012


I usually don't write a "To Do" list unless I have a lot I have to do and I know that I won't remember everything. Some of the things I write will take a while, like "forgive ...". That one has been on my To Do list for months.... But there are things that will take me only about five minutes like, "laundry" "dishes" etc. Some things you just never know how long it will take- can take five minutes, can take five months, like "find purple scissors" (to which my mom just found!).
As I look at my "To Do" list, sometimes I feel quite overwhelmed. It seems like I am doing and doing and doing and yet nothing is getting crossed off. As sad as it is, something that I am definitely guilty of, is to write something on my to do list, just so I have something to cross off! It makes me feel better about myself. I feel accomplished in some sort of guilty way...
Am I the only one to do this?

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