Monday 27 February 2012

"God Be With You Till We Meet Again!"

Temple work is a beautiful thing.

When I was a youth we would sing the hymns as we waited for our turn to do the baptisms for the dead. I always loved doing this. The spirit of God is always present at the Temple, but when you sing the hymns; His spirit is so much stronger than.

The Temple President always comes over and has a little talk. This one particular day when I was there, he gave an account that had happened only a few weeks prior to us being there. There was a youth group there singing the hymns and he was just going to pass by, but he stopped to listen to the beauty of the song. They were singing “God Be With You Till We Meet Again” As he looked over, behind the glass, and said it was as if he could see spirits of the people that the work was done for. The spirits were also singing the song, but they were singing it to the youth; and the youth, without knowing it, because they could not see, but they were singing the hymn back to those gone before. They were singing to each other. Tears entered his eyes at the beauty of God’s work and the beauty of God’s love.  He then went on to talk about how often in the scriptures does it talk about how in the latter years (which is now) that the hearts of the fathers turn to the children and the hearts of the children turn to the fathers. This talks about temple work and genealogy. As he spoke, goose bumps appeared all over my body. That usually happens though when I become emotional, and how could I not be? “God Be With You Till We Meet Again” was one of my favorite hymns, and now, it had a whole new meaning!

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