Friday 27 January 2012

"So Others May Live"

It’s interesting how strong of a love someone can have for a complete stranger. To give you life so another can live.

Can you give up you life for a loved one? Most I believe would sat “yes!” it is a natural instinct to save the one you love, whether mother father, child, spouse, other half. We want then to have a better life that we have.

Can you give up your life for a foe? Most I believe would say “no!” why do that? They probably gave you hell, why let someone like that live? Heck, you’ve probably wished then dead anyways.

Can you five you your life for a stranger? You have no idea if they would be friend or foe, sow hat do you do? Does your natural instinct tell you to leave them or save them, possibly risking your own life?

We all must admire those who risk their lives everyday to save another. Sad how no one seems to care for what they do until we are the ones who need the rescue; and then they become appreciated.

This is in honor to everyone that risks their lives everyday, and for those who have fallen, “So Others May Live” - United States Coast Guard motto!

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