Friday 2 December 2011

My Cure

I remember sitting in a Sunday School class at church one afternoon. I remember the teacher was saying that Satan does not want us to be happy and he does not want us to return to our Father in Heaven. I remember her [the teacher] saying that there will be times that we are angry and we don’t know why, we just are. When this happens, Satan is working on us, to be “miserable like unto himself”

One day at work years ago I was furious! I had no idea why, but I was. I was throwing merchandise and yelling at me co-workers, talking back to my manager, etc. I was being the exact opposite of how I usually am- a sweetheart. At least that’s what most people describe me.

So at least my co-workers and my manager knew that something was not right with me and were concerned to what was the matter. The customers didn’t know that though….

After I took a breather, I calmed down some. The words spoken in that Sunday School class echoed in my ears. There was no reason I was furious- Satan was just working on me. I couldn’t let him win.

Many times in church we are taught to pray, especially when we are angry or upset- even though this is about the last time we want to pray. What we want to do is smack someone in the face! But I was getting out of control and I knew that I needed help. So pray I did. I asked god to help me calm down and turn my mood around so I could be happy and cheerful again.

“Hark the Herald Angels Sing” popped in my mind. I had to smile. I was singing a Christmas song in June! My sister starts listening to Christmas in august/ September and I always get upset about it. One holiday at a time please! There is my birthday in September, then Halloween, then Thanksgiving, THEN Christmas!!! But I could see the face she would make as I told her this! Haha!

After “Hark the Herald” can “Sleigh Ride” then “Santa on the Rooftop” and many other Christmas songs followed. I found myself happy and smiling! You can’t stay upset while singing fun Christmas songs!

Christmas songs were my cure to feeling happy!! =D

There has been much drama in my life that I’m not copping with it as well as I thought I would. Once I finally stop crying and making progress, I’m back to square one- crying and feeling depressed. I just feel so much hurt and pain and betrayal…

After a horrible day at work recently- crying half of my shift- I came home and put on a Christmas CD, as one song turned into two and then 3 and 4 and 5, etc, the happier I was feeling.

Yes, this time I knew exactly why I was hurting and why I was upset, but the outcome was still the same. Christmas was my cure to feeling happy. =D

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