Tuesday 25 September 2012

Fathers and daughters.
Mothers and sons.
Thats just how it tends to happen.
What if you are a daughter without a father?
What if you are a son without a mother?

I'm a mamas girl because I really didn't know my father before he fell sick and died of cancer. But I long for a Father. I have a Heavenly Father that I love; but it's not like He can come down and just give me a hug and wipe my tears when I need them. Now, nor can my earthly father either.
It's just me and mom. My mom is amazing and I love her dearly, but I want a dad.

Today I witnessed a little girl running to her dad shouting, "Daddy! Daddy!" He had his arms outstretched and picked her up in his arms and swung her round. You could just see the love between them. It made me cry. I remember a similar memory with me and my dad. I really loved my dad. I'm so sad I didn't get to have more time with him. To see the man my mom was crazy about for 18-19 years.

Growing up without a dad I have always wondered what is it like?? I am always asking all my friends because I don't have the lightest idea. I can only imagine. When I marry, if my future husband has a dad, I would like for him to adopt me. Maybe then will I have an idea of what I have missed. If not, I'll just have to continue waiting till the next life.

I am a daughter without an earthly father.
Thank goodness I know I have a Heavenly one!

Friday 21 September 2012

Hoodies, Corn mazes and pumpkin ice cream

Autumn is here!!! The wind is chilly, the air is crisp, and it's now time for....












i will wait

Tuesday 21 August 2012


*Its a party in the USA*

"Hello gorgeous girl!"
"Stacie, am I a reject??"
"No! You're the coolest girl on the block! This is why we are best friends haha. What brought this on for you to ask such a thing Carla??"
"I was rejected... again..."
"By who?!?!?!"
"Must you ask?"
"Carla, if he is stupid enough to not have you, then be smart enough to get him out of your head!"
"He is so right for me though..."
"Obviously not!!"
"I want a boyfriend! Why is it that every guy who likes me are losers or just not my type and I repel all the ones that I want?? It really doesn't make sense to me! Its like I have a magnet on my forehead that says SOUTH and all the ones that I want also have SOUTH and all the NORTHs I'm just not interested in, but they are interested in me... I cant believe that after the first time he rejected me, I thought that he wouldn't this time round! I am a reject! I get rejecteddddddd by my crush, always. Stacie, I can feel the tears wanting to stream down."
"Just give me a minute and I'll be right over and we are going candle stick bowling and then to the DQ!"
"You know how much I hate candle stick bowling! And I'm too fat for the DQ..."
"Yes but we alway leave bowling laughing our heads off and Jeremy works there and he is definitely some yummy eye candy!"
"Haha Oh Stacie!!!! What would I do without you? Who needs a boyfriend if I've got you??"
"Its what I keep telling ya! And by the way, I'm already outside!"


Don't we all need a best friend like that????

Monday 13 August 2012


For someone to walk away from me when I am laughing is nothing new. In fact, when I get into my laughing fits and do my 'one heck of a laugh' laugh, it has become the norm. People tend to think that if they ignore me when I am laughing, I will calm down. Little do they know that actually I find it HILARIOUS!!! So I always laugh harder!!!
Growing up in school, everyone knew my laugh.  It was not surprising seeing as I would laugh at everything and anything! Then I became an adult and I didn't laugh as I had before. In a  way, I grew out of it. I had to be somewhat serious at least. But when I'm relaxed, you might as well just expect me to laugh.
I remember this one time after church, we were all having dinner and someone at my table got me to do this laugh! The whole place fell silent... All you could here were my squeals... My sister was siting beside me and I remember her embarrassment. We were new there, this was their first impression of us, or at least, me!
This other time I was out bowling with my co-workers and I ended up laughing so hard that I fell off my chair... Now I was the embarrassed one... All my co-workers were drunk or tipsy, yet everyone not in our party believed I was wasted- the only sober one! My coleuges were embarrassed then too.
I was out with some of my friends recently at a pub. Again I got into a laughing fit. Again my table felt embarrassed! Ok, so yes I do squeak really loud and then the whole place goes silent and is looking around for what in the world that sound was, and then everyone looks my way, see my laughing and then looks at who I'm with.
But really why be embarrassed by it? It's a compliment! Not an embarrassment! It means I think your funny! So instead of walking away from me, be proud and happy, it's not easy to get me to laugh like that! You should feel accomplished! =]

here i am alive

Sunday 5 August 2012

Never Look Back

Once you've taken a step forward, why would you take a step backward? Once you've gone forward, once you've moved on, there is no going back.
When you move away from somewhere, and even to go back for a visit, it is not how you remember it. Things have changed. People have changed. You have changed. You can't go back to how it once was.
When you are a freshman in high school, you might need to repeat freshman year, but you will move on to sophomore year, then jr, and lastly sr year. When you graduate, you won't go back to being a freshman in high school. High school is now over. You will move on in your life whether you go to college, get married or just jump into work. That time in high school is over, it's done. Only a memory.
Once you've dated someone- no matter how long it was. Once it was over, you moved on. Dated others. Fallen in love with another. You might miss someone you were with, but there is no going back. If there was no one in between, then you could repeat the relationship because you didn't move on; but if you did move on, that's it, it's done, it's over.
We will miss things and places and people from our past. It usually is fun to visit and stroll down memory lane. You have this memory of your life at that point, sometimes if you go back, that memory is destroyed. Why destroy a beautiful memory? Why go back when you've gone forward.
it doesn't make sense. You should never look back. Just be happy that was once the life you had and try to make the life you are living now even better!